Story time! Answering the call: An excerpt from Wild Love by Gill Edwards.
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Happy Equinox! Let's talk about balance. How do you define balance and what are some ways to work toward more balance in your life? Coming to you live from my office to share some ideas to help us fully feel, honor, and take radical responsibility for our emotions. The story of my 2 unplanned puppy adoptions and how to choosing love over fear enriches our lives. I was on the road yesterday, and shared a story with a friend about the challenges I faced the first winter after my divorce...
I was in my house in the country adapting to living alone and the winter brought record-breaking, relentless ice, snow and below zero temperatures. I was snowed in several times and at one point, the power went out for 10 days. Late in the winter, exhausted and ready to give up and move to town, I ran my truck off my driveway and into a ditch. Because I lacked the physical, mental and emotional resources to solve that problem in that moment, I walked into the house and vividly remember thinking...I’m going to take a nap and wait for something delightful and unexpected to happen...and truly believing that it would. About an hour later, I awoke to the sound of a tractor as my neighbor was pulling my truck to higher ground. I was beyond delighted by this unexpected act of kindness and because if it, I did not give up and I’m loving life in my country home today. I’m not at all suggesting that we stick our head in the sand and wait for magical unicorns to solve our problems. At the end of the day it is making conscious choices and taking action that moves us forward.🌈 But...what I learned on this day, and countless times since, is that our thoughts do shape our reality and that more is always possible than what we can know in any moment. Our mindset matters. When left to its own devices, our minds will often focus on fear and play out the worst case scenario again and again. Why not redirect the awesome power of our imaginations toward what we actually want to experience and manifest in our lives?🔥 A story about a mouse and a simple technique to avoid creating secondary stress in our lives. Live from my garden! New moon, new season. How to let go and move into fall with more ease & grace. How much freedom are you allowing yourself to have today? I sat down with my neighborhood women's group to talk about what makes our time together so special. Healing energy leaks can create momentum for us to uplevel bigger things in our lives! Take a walk around my house and I"ll show you what is dragging on my energy and how I plan to fix it. |
Melissa Arthur, MA, PCC, NBC-HWC
Certified Health & Wellness Coach Certified Leadership Coach Certified in Woman-Centered Coaching Certified Ayurveda Yoga Specialist Illuminate Guidance, LLC Perry, Kansas Office Phone & Zoom Sessions Worldwide |